Acerca de

Markus Müller Bender


Profesor Titular C






Líneas de investigación

Análisis y Modelación de Sistemas Complejos

  • Desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de análisis multivariantes


  • Estudio de la dinámica cerebral durante ataques epilépticos focales


  • Estudio de la dinámica de la red funcional durante el ciclo de sueño


  • Interrelación entre el ciclo de sueño y epilepsia


  • Investigar procesos de cognición y el papel de la corteza auditiva para actividades motoras y cognitivas


  • Investigar mecanismos que fomentan la acción en conjunto y la comunicación no-verbal


El enfoque principal de las actividades de mi grupo de investigación es el desarrollo de métodos de análisis y su aplicación a datos empíricos que provienen de sistemas complejos tan diferentes como el transporte público en Cuernavaca, la actividad eléctrica cerebral, reacciones químicas, sistemas biológicos y seres humanos actuando en conjunto. Para ello se usan técnicas que tienen su origen en la teoría de matrices aleatorias, análisis de fluctuaciones, teoría de gráficas, sistemas dinámicos y también se derivan métodos con base en la teoría de información. Se aplican diferentes medidas lineales y no-lineales para estimar propiedades uni- bi- y multi-variantes de datos empíricos. Además se realizan estudios con simulaciones numéricas mediante el uso de modelos de autómatas celulares, sistemas dinámicos o sistemas de reacción difusión.


Dr. Rer. Nat. (Ph.D.):
Junio 1995, en la Universidad Técnica de Dresden, Tesis: “Zur Herausbildung verschiedener Zeitskalen beim Zerfall von Coumpoundkern-resonanzen als Folge des Trapping Effekts”, Asesor de Tesis: Prof. Dr. I. Rotter, Evaluación: magna cum laude
Diploma (Maestría):
Julio 1991, en la Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm Universitaet Bonn, Tesis: “Aufbau eines hochtemperatur-Messofens fuer eine Gamma-Kaskaden Winkelkorrelations Aparatur und erste Messungen in Yttrium Metall”, Asesor de Tesis: Prof. Dr. Manfred Forker, Evaluación: sehr gut




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Publicaciones arbitradas

65. Daniel Arzate-Mena, J.;Abela, Eugenio;Olguín-Rodríguez, Paola V.;Ríos-Herrera, Wady;Alcauter, Sarael;Schindler, Kaspar;Wiest, Roland;Müller, Markus F.;Rummel, Christian; Stationary EEG pattern relates to large-scale resting state networks – An EEG-fMRI study connecting brain networks across time-scales. NeuroImage2022246 (118763 – 118763) 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118763
64. Toledo-Acosta, Mauricio;Barreiro, Talin;Reig-Alamillo, Asela;Müller, Markus;Aroca Bisquert, Fuensanta;Barrigon, Maria Luisa;Baca-Garcia, Enrique;Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge; Cognitive Emotional Embedded Representations of Text to Predict Suicidal Ideation and Psychiatric Symptoms. Mathematics20208 11 (2088 – 2088) 10.3390/math8112088
63. Ríos-Herrera, Wady A.;Olguín-Rodríguez, Paola V.;Arzate-Mena, J. Daniel;Corsi-Cabrera, Maria;Escalona, Joaquín;Marín-García, Arlex;Ramos-Loyo, Julieta;Rivera, Ana Leonor;Rivera-López, Daniel;Zapata-Berruecos, José F.;Müller, Markus F.; The influence of EEG references on the analysis of spatio-temporal interrelation patterns. Frontiers in Neuroscience201913 10.3389/fnins.2019.00941
62. Paola V. Olguín-Rodríguez, J. Daniel Arzate-Mena, Maria Corsi-;Cabrera, Heidemarie Gast, Arlex Marín-García, Johannes Mathis, Julieta;Ramos Loyo, Irma Yolanda del Rio-Portilla, Christian Rummel, Kaspar;Schindler, and Markus Müller; Characteristic Fluctuations Around Stable Attractor Dynamics Extracted from Highly Nonstationary Electroencephalographic Recordings. Brain Connectivity20188 (457 – 474) 10.1089/brain.2018.0609
61. G. Corkidi, F. Montoya, P. Hernández-Herrera, W.A: Rios-Herrera, M.F.;Müller, C.L. Treviño, A. Darszon; Are there intracellular Ca2+ oscillations correlated with flagellar beating in human sperm? A three vs. twodimensional analysis. Mol. Hum. Reprod201723 9 (583 – 593) 10.1093/molehr/gax039
60. González-Espinoza, A., Larralde, H., Martínez-Mekler, G., Müller;M.; Multiple scaling behaviour and nonlinear traits in music scores. Royal Society Open Science,20174 12 (art. no. 171282. – art. no. 171282.) 10.1098/rsos.171282
59. Wady A. Rios Herrera, Joaquín Escalona Segura, Daniel Rivera López, Markus F. Müller; On the estimation of phase synchronization, spurious synchronization and filtering. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science201726 12 (123106 – 123106) 10.1063/1.4970522
58. Torres-Guzmán, José C;Buhse, Thomas;de la Calleja, Elsa María;González-Espinoza, Alfredo;Martínez-Mekler, Gustavo;Montoya-Nava, Fernando;Ramírez-Álvarez, Elizeth;Rivera-Islas, Marco;Rodríguez-Álvarez, Aurora;Müller, Markus F; Irregular Liesegang-type patterns in gas phase revisited. I. Experimental setup, data processing, and test of the spacing law. The Journal of chemical physics. AIP Publishing. 2016144 17 (174701 – 174701) 10.1063/1.4946791
57. Torres-Guzmán, José C;Martínez-Mekler, Gustavo;Müller, Markus F; Irregular Liesegang-type patterns in gas phase revisited. II. Statistical correlation analysis. The Journal of chemical physics. AIP Publishing. 2016144 17 (174702 – 174702) 10.1063/1.4946792
56. Ramírez-Álvarez, Elizeth;Montoya, Fernando;Buhse, Thomas;Rios-Herrera, Wady;Torres-Guzmán, José;Rivera, Marco;Martínez-Mekler, Gustavo;Müller, Markus F; On the dynamics of Liesegang-type pattern formation in a gaseous system. Scientific reports. Nature Publishing Group. 20166 10.1038/srep23402
55. Rummel, Christian;Abela, Eugenio;Andrzejak, Ralph G;Hauf, Martinus;Pollo, Claudio;Müller, Markus;Weisstanner, Christian;Wiest, Roland;Schindler, Kaspar; Resected brain tissue, seizure onset zone and quantitative EEG measures: towards prediction of post-surgical seizure control. PloS one. Public Library of Science. 201510 10 (e0141023 – e0141023) 10.1371/journal.pone.0141023
54. Gast, Heidemarie;Müller, Markus;Rummel, Christian;Roth, Corinne;Mathis, Johannes;Schindler, Kaspar;Bassetti, Claudio L; Epileptic seizures as condensed sleep: an analysis of network dynamics from electroencephalogram signals. Journal of sleep research. Wiley Online Library. 201423 3 (268 – 273) 10.1111/jsr.12113
53. Müller, Markus Franziskus;Rummel, Christian;Goodfellow, Marc;Schindler, Kaspar; Standing waves as an explanation for generic stationary correlation patterns in noninvasive EEG of focal onset seizures. Brain connectivity. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor New Rochelle, NY 10801 USA. 20144 2 (131 – 144) 10.1089/brain.2013.0192
52. García, Arlex Oscar Marín;Müller, Markus Franziskus;Schindler, Kaspar;Rummel, Christian; Genuine cross-correlations: Which surrogate based measure reproduces analytical results best?. Neural networks. Elsevier. 201346 (154 – 164) 10.1016/j.neunet.2013.05.009
51. Lee, UnCheol;Lee, HeonSoo;Müller, Markus;Noh, Gyu-Jeong;Mashour, George A; Genuine and spurious phase synchronization strengths during consciousness and general anesthesia. PloS one. Public Library of Science. 20127 10 (e46313 – e46313) 10.1371/journal.pone.0046313
50. Lee, UnCheol;Müller, Markus;Noh, Gyu-Jeong;Choi, ByungMoon;Mashour, George A; Dissociable network properties of anesthetic state transitions. The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. The American Society of Anesthesiologists. 2011114 4 (872 – 881) 10.1097/ALN.0b013e31821102c9
49. Müller, Markus F;Baier, Gerold;Jiménez, Yurytzy López;García, Arlex O Marín;Rummel, Christian;Schindler, Kaspar; Evolution of genuine cross-correlation strength of focal onset seizures. Journal of clinical neurophysiology. LWW. 201128 5 (450 – 462) 10.1097/WNP.0b013e318231c894
48. Rummel, Christian;Abela, Eugenio;Müller, Markus;Hauf, Martinus;Scheidegger, Olivier;Wiest, Roland;Schindler, Kaspar; Uniform approach to linear and nonlinear interrelation patterns in multivariate time series. Physical Review E. APS. 201183 6 (66215 – 66215) 10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066215
47. Rummel, Christian;Müller, Markus;Baier, Gerold;Amor, Frédérique;Schindler, Kaspar; Analyzing spatio-temporal patterns of genuine cross-correlations. Journal of neuroscience methods. Elsevier. 2010191 1 (94 – 100) 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2010.05.022
46. Rummel, Christian;Gast, Heidemarie;Schindler, Kaspar;Müller, Markus;Amor, Frédérique;Hess, Christian W;Mathis, Johannes; Assessing periodicity of periodic leg movements during sleep. Frontiers in neuroscience. Frontiers Media SA. 20104 10.3389/fnins.2010.00058
45. Schindler, Kaspar;Amor, Frédérique;Gast, Heidemarie;Müller, Markus;Stibal, Alexander;Mariani, Luigi;Rummel, Christian; Peri-ictal correlation dynamics of high-frequency (80–200Hz) intracranial EEG. Epilepsy research. Elsevier. 201089 1 (72 – 81) 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2009.11.006
44. Müller, Markus;Rotter, Ingrid; Phase lapses in open quantum systems and the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator. Physical Review A. APS. 200980 4 (42705 – 42705) 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.042705
43. Rummel, Christian;Müller, Markus;Schindler, Kaspar; Data-driven estimates of the number of clusters in multivariate time series. Physical Review E. American Physical Society. 200878 6 (66703 – 66703) 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.066703
42. Müller, M;Baier, G;Rummel, C;Schindler, K; Estimating the strength of genuine and random correlations in non-stationary multivariate time series. EPL (Europhysics Letters). IOP Publishing. 200884 1 (10009 – 10009) 10.1209/0295-5075/84/10009
41. Müller, Markus;Rotter, Ingrid; Exceptional points in open quantum systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. IOP Publishing. 200841 24 (244018 – 244018) 10.1088/1751-8113/41/24/244018
40. Rummel, C;Baier, G;Müller, M; Automated detection of time-dependent cross-correlation clusters in nonstationary time series. Europhysics Letters. IOP Publishing. 200780 6 (68004 – 68004) 10.1209/0295-5075/80/68004
39. Baier, Gerold;Müller, Markus;Stephani, Ulrich;Muhle, Hiltrud; Characterizing correlation changes of complex pattern transitions: the case of epileptic activity. Physics Letters A. Elsevier. 2007363 4 (290 – 296) 10.1016/j.physleta.2006.11.003
38. Allefeld, Carsten;Müller, Markus;Kurths, Jürgen; Eigenvalue descomposition as a generalized synchronization cluster analysis. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. World Scientific. 200717 10 (3493 – 3497) 10.1142/S0218127407019251
37. Rummel, Christian;Baier, Gerold;Müller, Markus; The influence of static correlations on multivariate correlation analysis of the EEG. Journal of neuroscience methods. Elsevier. 2007166 1 (138 – 157) 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.06.023
36. Müller, Markus;Jiménez, Yurytzy López;Rummel, Christian;Baier, Gerold;Galka, Andreas;Stephani, Ulrich;Muhle, Hiltrud; Localized short-range correlations in the spectrum of the equal-time correlation matrix. Physical Review E. APS. 200674 4 (41119 – 41119) 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.041119
35. Müller, Markus;Wegner, Katja;Kummer, Ursula;Baier, Gerold; Quantification of cross correlations in complex spatiotemporal systems. Physical Review E. APS. 200673 4 (46106 – 46106) 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.046106 [PubMed]
34. Müller, Markus;Baier, Gerold;Galka, Andreas;Stephani, Ulrich;Muhle, Hiltrud; Detection and characterization of changes of the correlation structure in multivariate time series. Physical Review E. APS. 200571 4 (46116 – 46116) 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.046116
33. Chernihovskyi, Anton;Mormann, Florian;Müller, Markus;Elger, Christian E;Baier, Gerold;Lehnertz, Klaus; EEG analysis with nonlinear excitable media. Journal of clinical neurophysiology. LWW. 200522 5 (314 – 329)
32. Baier, G;Ramírez, A;Amaro, I;Müller, M; Local induction of spatio-temporal chaos. Revista mexicana de física. Sociedad Mexicana de Física. 200551 5 (447 – 451)
31. Baier, Gerold;Hermann, Thomas;Muller, Markus; Polyrhythmic organization of coupled nonlinear oscillators. Information Visualisation, 2005. Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on. IEEE. 2005, (5 – 10) 10.1109/IV.2005.99
30. Baier, Gerold;Hermann, Thomas;Lara, Oscar Manuel;Miller, Markus; Using sonification to detect weak cross-correlations in coupled excitable systems. Proceedings of ICAD 05-Eleventh Meeting of the International Conference on Auditory Display. Georgia Institute of Technology. 2005, (312 – 315)
29. Baier, G;Müller, Meinard; Excitable chaos in diffusively coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo equations. Revista mexicana de física. Sociedad mexicana de física. 200450 5 (422 – 426)
28. Baier, Gerold;Müller, Markus; Frequency-selective induction of excitation waves near sub-and supercritical Hopf bifurcation. Physics Letters A. Elsevier. 2004330 5 (350 – 357) 10.1016/j.physleta.2004.07.057
27. Baier, Gerold;Müller, Markus; Nonlinear dynamic conversion of analog signals into excitation patterns. Physical Review E. APS. 200470 3 (37201 – 37201) 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.037201
26. Hermann, Thomas;Baier, Gerold;Müller, Markus; Polyrhythm in the human brain. Proceedings of ICAAD2004
25. Baier, Gerold;Müller, Markus;Ørsnes, Henrik; Excitable spatio-temporal chaos in a model of glycolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. ACS Publications. 2002106 12 (3275 – 3282) 10.1021/jp0138173
24. Schäfer, R;Barth, Monique;Leyvraz, F;Müller, M;Seligman, T H;Stöckmann, H-J; Transition from Gaussian-orthogonal to Gaussian-unitary ensemble in a microwave billiard with threefold symmetry. Physical Review E. APS. 200266 1 (16202 – 16202) 10.1103/PhysRevE.66.016202
23. Heiss, W D;Müller, M; Universal relationship between a quantum phase transition and instability points of classical systems. Physical Review E. American Physical Society. 200266 1 (16217 – 16217) 10.1103/PhysRevE.66.016217
22. Gorin, T;Müller, M;Seba, P; Comment on “Models of intermediate spectral statistics”. Physical Review E. APS. 200163 6 (68201 – 68201) 10.1103/PhysRevE.63.068201
21. Müller, M;Heiss, W D;Jung, C;Rotter, I; Globally collective effects in open quantum systems. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. Elsevier. 20019 3 (509 – 512)
20. Seba, P;Rotter, I;Müller, M;Persson, E;Pichugin, K; Open microwave cavities. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. Elsevier. 20019 3 (484 – 487) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.254101
19. Flores, J;Horoi, M;Müller, M;Seligman, T H; Spectral statistics of the two-body random ensemble revisited. Physical Review E. APS. 200163 2 (26204 – 26204) 10.1103/PhysRevE.63.026204
18. Forker, M.;Müller, M.;U. Hütten; 181Ta perturbed angular correlation study of electric quadrupole interactions. J. Phys. Condens. Matter200012 31 (7117 – 7131) 10.1088/0953-8984/12/31/313
17. Šeba, P;Rotter, I;Müller, M;Persson, E;Pichugin, K; Collective modes in an open microwave billiard. Physical Review E. APS. 200061 1 (66 – 66)
16. Baier, Gerold;Santos, Gerardo J Escalera;Perales, Héctor;Rivera, M;Müller, Markus;Leder, Ron;Parmananda, P; Self-exciting chaos as a dynamic model for irregular neural spiking. Physical Review E. APS. 200062 6 (R7579 – R7579) 10.1103/PhysRevE.62.R7579.
15. Jung, C;Müller, M;Rotter, I; Phase transitions in open quantum systems. Physical Review E. APS. 199960 1 (114 – 114) 10.1103/PhysRevE.60.114
14. Magunov, A I;Müller, M;Rotter, I;Strakhova, S I; Strong laser field effects in spectral lines of autoionizing atomic states.. Laser Physics19999 (407 – 412)
13. Heiss, W D;Müller, M;Rotter, I; Collectivity, phase transitions, and exceptional points in open quantum systems. Physical Review E. APS. 199858 3 (2894 – 2894) 10.1103/PhysRevE.58.2894
12. Müller, M;Muraviev, S E;Rotter, I;Sokolov, V V; Interfering states and narrow resonances at high excitation energy. Il Nuovo Cimento A Series 11. Springer. 1998111 6-7 (705 – 708) 10.1007/BF03185340
11. Gorin, Thomas;Dittes, F-M;Müller, M;Rotter, I;Seligman, T H; Correlations between resonances in a statistical scattering model. Physical Review E. APS. 199756 3 (2481 – 2481) 10.1103/PhysRevE.56.2481
10. Sokolov, V V;Rotter, I;Savin, D V;Müller, M; Interfering doorway states and giant resonances. I. Resonance spectrum and multipole strengths. Physical Review C. APS. 199756 2 (1031 – 1031) 10.1103/PhysRevC.56.1031
9. Sokolov, V V;Rotter, I;Savin, D V;Müller, M; Interfering doorway states and giant resonances. II. Transition strengths. Physical Review C. APS. 199756 2 (1044 – 1044) 10.1103/PhysRevC.56.1044
8. Persson, Emil;Müller, Markus;Rotter, Ingrid; Resonance phenomena near thresholds. Physical Review C. APS. 199653 6 (3002 – 3002) 10.1103/PhysRevC.53.3002
7. Müller, Markus;Dittes, Frank-Michael;Iskra, Wlodzimierz;Rotter, Ingrid; Level repulsion in the complex plane. Physical Review E199552 6 10.1103/PhysRevE.52.5961
6. Iskra, Wladimir;Müller, Markus;Rotter, Ingrid; Radial pattern of nuclear decay processes. Physical Review C. APS. 199551 4 (1842 – 1842) 10.1103/PhysRevC.51.1842
5. Mueller, M;Rotter, I;Iskra, W; Selforganization and disorder in an open quantum system. Acta Physica Polonica. Series B199425 3-4 (711 – 716)
4. Iskra, W;MÜLler, M;Rotter, I; Selforganization in the nuclear system and irreversibility. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. Oxford University Press. 1994116 (385 – 392) 10.1088/0954-3899/20/5/011
3. Iskra, W;Muller, M;Rotter, I; Self-organization in the nuclear system. II. Formation of a new order. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. IOP Publishing. 199420 5 (775 – 775) 10.1088/0954-3899/20/5/011
2. Forker, M;Herz, W;Hütten, U;Müller, M;Müßeler, R;Schmidberger, J;Simon, D;Weingarten, A;Bedi, S C; A furnace for high temperature perturbed angular correlation measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Elsevier. 1993327 2-3 (456 – 462) 10.1016/0168-9002(93)90711-P
1. Iskra, Wladimir;Muller, M;Rotter, I; Self-organization in the nuclear system: I. The slaving principle. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. IOP Publishing. 199319 12 (2045 – 2045) 10.1088/0954-3899/19/12/010

Libros, capítulos de libros y publicaciones no arbitradas

4. Oscar, Marín-García Arlex;Maria, Corsi-Cabrera;Heidemarie, Gast;Alexander, Rios-Herrera Wady;Vanesa, Olguín-Rodriguez Paola;Rosales-Alejandra, Lagarda;Kaspar, Schindler;F, Müller Markus; EEG del sueñoy su análisis cuantitativo: correlaciones aleatorias, correlaciones genuinas y teoría de gráficas. La naturaleza de los sueños. Herder. 2018, (221 – 250)
3. La naturaleza de los sueños. 2018, (544 – 544) 978-607-7727-53-8.
2. R. Christian, M. Markus, H. Martinus, W. Roland, S.;Kaspar; Dynamics of linear and nonlinear interrelation networks in peri-ictal intracranial EEG: Seizure onset and termination. Recent Advances in Predicting and Preventing Epileptic Seizures. World Scientific2013, (162 – 174)
1. Muller, Markus;Baier, Gerold;Rummel, Christian;Schindler, Kaspar;Stephani, Ulrich;Schelter, B;Timmer, J;Bonhage, A S; A multivariate approach to correlation analysis based on random matrix theory. Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Applications. Wiley. 2008, (209 – 226) 10.1002/9783527625192.ch16