Acerca de

Alejandro Ramírez Solís


Profesor Titular C





Líneas de investigación

  • Espectroscopía teórica: estructura electrónica de moléculas, polímeros orgánicos metal-dopados, fase líquida y cúmulos metálicos con métodos ab-initio multireferenciales y teoría de funcionales de la densidad.


  • Propiedades electrónicas, magnéticas y vibracionales de sólidos cristalinos a muy altas presiones. Efectos relativistas en moléculas metálicas.


  • Monte Carlo cuántico de difusión multireferencial (MR-DMC) para sistemas altamente correlacionados.


  • Reactividad y espectroscopía (EXAFS, XANES, IR) de sistemas metálicos en diferentes ambientes de solvatación con dinámica molecular Born-Oppenheimer.


Alejandro Ramírez estudió la Licenciatura en Física (UNAM, 1984), una Maestría en Ciencias en el Instituto de Física de la UNAM (1986) y obtuvo el Doctorado en Física Cuántica por la Universidad Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, Francia (1990). Realizó dos años de investigación postdoctoral en el Laboratorio de Catálisis Molecular del Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo. Ha sido Profesor Invitado en el Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes de Toulouse (2004-2005 y 2013-2014) y en el Departamento de Química-Bioquímica de la Universidad de California en Santa Barbara (2006-2007) realizando estancias sabáticas.




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Publicaciones arbitradas


140. EI Alanís-Manzano, CI León-Pimentel, Laurent Maron, Alejandro Ramírez-Solís, Humberto Saint-Martin. Exploring the Dynamic Coordination Sphere of Lanthanide Aqua 2 Ions: Insights from  r2 SCAN-3c Composite-DFT Born−Oppenheimer 3 Molecular Dynamics Studies. 

139. Ivan Eliezer Romero-Ramirez, Alejandro Ramirez-Solis, Humberto Saint-Martin Posada; Entropic Effects on the Aqueous Microsolvation of Protonated Glycine and Protonated Alanine. Hybrid Density Functional Theory Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry A202310.1021/acs.jpca.2c07476
138. León-Pimentel, C. I.;Saint-Martin, H.;Ramírez-Solís, A.; Ammonia Solvation of Alkaline Earth Dications: Mg(II), Ca(II), Sr(II), and Ba(II); Hybrid Density Functional Theory Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics Studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A202310.1021/acs.jpca.2c08432
137. Alanís‐Manzano, Emiliano Isaías;Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro; On the three lowest spin states of Na13+: Hybrid Density Functional Theory and benchmark CASSCF (12,12)+ CASPT2 studies. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry202210.1002/qua.26995
136. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Hinojosa, Guillermo;Saint-Martin, Humberto; The quest for negative methane: The CH4− anion. International Journal of Modern Physics B202210.1142/S0217979222300043
135. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Boekell, Nicholas G.;León-Pimentel, César Iván;Saint-Martin, Humberto;Bartulovich, Caroline O.;Flowers, Robert A.; Ammonia Solvation vs Aqueous Solvation of Samarium Diiodide. A Theoretical and Experimental Approach to Understanding Bond Activation Upon Coordination to Sm(II). The Journal of Organic Chemistry202187 3 (1689 – 1697) 10.1021/acs.joc.1c01771
134. León-Pimentel, C. I.;Saint-Martin, H.;Ramírez-Solís, A.; Mg(II) and Ca(II) Microsolvation by Ammonia: Born−Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry A2021
133. Alanís-Manzano, Emiliano Isaías;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; On the structure of the lowest spin states of Li13+. Hybrid DFT vs. benchmark CASSCF-CASPT2 studies. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry20211200 113230
132. Ramirez-Solis, Alejandro;Bartulovich, Caroline;León-Pimentel, César;Saint-Martin, Humberto;Boekell, Nicholas;Flowers, Robert; Proton donor effects on the reactivity of SmI2. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Methanol Solvation vs. Aqueous Solvation. Dalton Transactions202010.1039/D0DT01221A
131. A. Ramírez-Solis, J. Vigué, G. Hionojosa, H. Saint-Martin; Solving the CH4- riddle: The fundamental role of spin to explain metastable anionic methane. Physical Review Letters2020124 5
130. J.R. Valdez-Camacho, A. Ramírez-Solís, J. Escalante, L. Ruiz-Azuara, M. Ho.; Theoretical determination of half-wave potentials for phenanthroline-, bipyridine-, acetylacetonate- and glycinate-containing Copper(II) complexes. Journal of Molecular Modeling202010.1007/s00894-020-04453-x
129. Ramírez-Solís, A.; The electronic spectrum of AgI2. Ab initio benchmark CASSCF+Averaged Coupled Pair Functional Studies on the Ligand-Field States including Spin-Orbit couplings. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy2020111355 10.1016/j.jms.2020.111355
128. Ramírez-Solís, A.;Bartulovich, C. O.;León-Pimentel, C. I.;Saint-Martin, H.;Anderson, W.R.;Flowers, Robert A.; Experimental and theoretical studies on the aqueous solvation and reactivity of SmCl 2 and comparison with SmBr 2 and SmI 2. Inorganic Chemistry201958 20 (13927 – 13932) 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b01818
127. Salazar-Díaz, J. Jacobo;Muñoz-Hernández, Miguel A.;Rufino-Felipe, Ernesto;Flores-Alamo, Marcos;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Montiel-Palma, Virginia; Bi- and tridentate stannylphosphines and their coordination to low-valent platinum. Dalton Transactions201948 42 (15896 – 15905) 10.1039/C9DT03317C
126. Almora-Díaz, César X.;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Bunge, Carlos F.; Symmetric dissociation of the water molecule with truncation energy error. A benchmark study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics201921 9 (4953 – 4964) 10.1039/C8CP06180G
125. Ramirez-Solis, Alejandro;Amaro-Estrada, Jorge Iván;Hernández-Cobos, Jorge;Maron, Laurent; Aqueous Solvation of SmI 3 : A Born–Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics Density Functional Theory Cluster Approach. Inorganic Chemistry201857 5 (2843 – 2850) 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b03220
124. Amaro-Estrada, Jorge I.;Hernández-Cobos, Jorge;Saint-Martin, Humberto;Maron, Laurent;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Hydration of CH 3 HgOH and CH 3 HgCl compared to HgCl 2 , HgClOH, and Hg(OH) 2 : A DFT microsolvation cluster approach. The Journal of Chemical Physics2018149 14 (144301 – 144301) 10.1063/1.5038418
123. León-Pimentel, C. I.;Amaro-Estrada, J. I.;Hernández-Cobos, J.;Saint-Martin, H.;Ramírez-Solís, A.; Aqueous solvation of Mg( <ii> ) and Ca( ii ): A Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics study of microhydrated gas phase clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics2018148 14 (144307 – 144307) 10.1063/1.5021348
122. Amaro-Estrada, Jl., J. Hernández Cobos, H. Saint Martin, L. Maron, A. Rámirez-Solís; Hydration of CH3HgOH and CH3HgCI compared to HgCI2, HgCIOH and Hg(OH)2. A DFT microsolvation cluster approach. Journal of Chemical Physics2018149 144301
121. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Bartulovich, Caroline O.;Chciuk, Tesia V.;Hernández-Cobos, Jorge;Saint-Martin, Humberto;Maron, Laurent;Anderson, William R.;Li, Anna M.;Flowers, Robert A.; Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Implications of Halide-Dependent Aqueous Solvation of Sm(II). Journal of the American Chemical Society2018140 48 (16731 – 16739) 10.1021/jacs.8b09857
120. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Ochoa-Calle, Alvaro Jesús;Hernández-Lamoneda, Ramón; Core excitations of the solid oxygen ε phase: periodic hybrid density functional theory studies with localized atomic basis. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts2018137 3 (32 – 32) 10.1007/s00214-018-2213-4
119. Ramírez-Solís, A.;Amaro-Estrada, J. I.;León-Pimentel, C. I.;Hernández-Cobos, J.;Garrido-Hoyos, S. E.;Saint-Martin, H.; On the aqueous solvation of AsO(OH) 3 vs. As(OH) 3 . Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics density functional theory cluster studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics201820 24 (16568 – 16578) 10.1039/C8CP01673A
118. Leon-Pimentel, C.;Amaro-Estrada, JI;Saint-Martin, Humberto;Ramirez-Solis, Alejandro; Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics studies of Pb(ii) micro hydrated gas phase clusters. Journal of Chemical Physics2017146 084307 10.1063/1.4976686
117. Mochan, W. Luis;Ramirez-Solis, A.; How a drug and explosives detector proved useless: Military use of the GT200. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine201736 2 (76 – 82) 10.1109/MTS.2017.2696601
116. Ramírez-Solís, A;Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Hernández-Lamoneda, R;Ochoa-Calle, A J; Antiferromagnetic vs. non-magnetic ε phase of solid oxygen. Periodic density functional theory studies using a localized atomic basis set and the role of exact exchange. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics201719 4 (2826 – 2833) 10.1039/C6CP07445F
115. Ramı́rez-Solı́s, A.;Amaro-Estrada, J. I.;Hernández-Cobos, J.;Maron, L.; Aqueous solvation of SmI 2 : A Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics density functional theory cluster approach. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2017121 11 (2293 – 2297) 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b00910
114. Ochoa-Calle, A.J.;Zicovich-Wilson, C.M.;Ramírez-Solís, A; On the Raman and infrared vibrational spectra of the ɛ and ζ phases of oxygen. Systematic DFT studies with localized basis sets. Chemical Physics Letters2015638 (82 – 86) 10.1016/j.cplett.2015.08.036
113. Ochoa-Calle, A J;Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Hernández-Lamoneda, R;Ramírez-Solís, A; Understanding the ε and ζ high-pressure solid phases of oxygen. systematic periodic density functional theory studies using localized atomic basis. Journal of chemical theory and computation201511 3 (1195 – 1205) 10.1021/acs.jctc.5b00017
112. Ochoa-Calle, A J;Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Ramírez-Solís, A; Solid oxygen ζ phase and its transition from ɛ phase at extremely high pressure: A first-principles analysis. Physical Review B201592 8 (85148 – 85148) 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.085148
111. Ochoa-Calle, A.J.;Ramírez-Solís, A; On the stability of the cyclic O8 molecule. Chemical Physics Letters2014592 (326 – 329) 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.12.056
110. Amaro-Estrada, J I;Maron, L;Ramírez-Solís, A; Aqueous solvation of HgClOH. Stepwise DFT solvation and Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics studies of the HgClOH–(H 2 O) 24 complex. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics201416 18 (8455 – 8464) 10.1039/c3cp55339f
109. Ramírez-Solís, A;Bernal-Jaquez, R;Zicovich-Wilson, C.M.; The molecular and electronic structure of poly-[2,7-(benzo[2,1;3,4-b′]dithiophene)-alt-2,2′-(3,3′-didodecyl-5,5′-bithiophenyl)] (PBTT): A periodic DFT approach. Chemical Physics Letters2014607 (47 – 51) 10.1016/j.cplett.2014.05.047
108. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Novaro, Octavio; The first metals in Mendeleiev’s table: further arguments to place He above Ne and not above Be. Foundations of Chemistry201416 2 (87 – 91) 10.1007/s10698-012-9174-9
107. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; On the accuracy of the complete basis set extrapolation for anionic systems: a case study of the electron affinity of methane. Computational Chemistry20142 02 (31 – 31) 10.4236/cc.2014.22005
106. Morales-Nava, Rosmarbel;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Fernández-Zertuche, Mario; NMR and theoretical studies on the conformational preferences of some non-metal coordinated N-enoyl systems attached to common chiral auxilaries. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society201458 2 (89 – 94)
105. Caffarel, Michel;Giner, Emmanuel;Scemama, Anthony;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Spin density distribution in open-shell transition metal systems: A comparative post-Hartree–Fock, density functional theory, and quantum Monte Carlo study of the CuCl2 molecule. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation201410 12 (5286 – 5296) 10.1021/ct5004252
104. Ramírez-Solís, A;Maron, L; Aqueous microsolvation of CdCl2: Density functional theory and Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics studies. The Journal of chemical physics2014141 9 (94304 – 94304) 10.1063/1.4894286
103. Ramírez-Solís, A;Maron, L; On the thermal stability of the branched hexasulfane isomers. A DFT molecular dynamics study of H 2 S 6 conformers. Chemical Physics Letters2014607 (64 – 69) 10.1016/j.cplett.2014.05.028
102. Amaro-Estrada, J I;Maron, L;Ramírez-Solís, A; Aqueous solvation of Hg (OH) 2: energetic and dynamical density functional theory studies of the Hg (OH) 2–(H2O) n (n= 1–24) structures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2013117 37 (9069 – 9075) 10.1021/jp405500f
101. Ochoa-Calle, A J;Hernández-Lamoneda, R;Ramírez-Solís, A; On the stability of the cuboid singlet (S2) 4 supermolecule: Benchmark ab initio studies. The Journal of chemical physics2013138 9 (94317 – 94317) 10.1063/1.4793310
100. Amaro-Estrada, J.I.;Ramírez-Solís, A; Aqueous microsolvation of HgClOH. A systematic MP2 study of the HgClOH–(H2O)n species with n=1–4. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry20131006 (47 – 51) 10.1016/j.comptc.2012.11.020
99. Hô, Minhhuy;Navarrete-López, Alejandra M;Zicovich-Wilson, Claudio M;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Electronic charge density analysis of Li-doped polyacetylene: Molecular vs periodic descriptions and nature of Li-to-chain bonding. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2013117 2 (725 – 730) 10.1021/jp3106343
98. Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro;Maron, Laurent; Nonharmonic vibrational effects in HgClOH: An MP2 Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2012112 21 (3484 – 3489) 10.1002/qua.24123
97. Hernández-Cobos, J;Ramírez-Solís, A;Maron, L;Ortega-Blake, I; Theoretical study of the aqueous solvation of HgCl2: Monte Carlo simulations using second-order Moller-Plesset-derived flexible polarizable interaction potentials. The Journal of chemical physics2012136 1 (14502 – 14502) 10.1063/1.3673780
96. Ramírez‐Solís, A; The molecular structure of AgBr2 and AgBr2+. A benchmark CASSCF, CASPT2, and averaged coupled pair functional study. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2012112 22 (3559 – 3563) 10.1002/qua.24167
95. Ramírez-Solís, A;Hô, M;Hernández-Cobos, J;Ortega-Blake, I; Theoretical studies on the optimal X (OH)3–H2O (X=N, P, Sb) complexes: Interaction energies and topological analysis of the electronic density. Chemical Physics Letters2012524 (20 – 24) 10.1016/j.cplett.2011.12.044
94. Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro;Novaro, Octavio; Nonadditive effects on the stability of Be3: A benchmark CASSCF+ averaged quadratic coupled cluster study of the equilateral and linear symmetrical configurations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2012112 17 (2952 – 2956) 10.1002/qua.24140
93. Ramírez‐Solís, A; The molecular structure of AgBr. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2012112 22 (3559 – 3563)
92. Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro;Novaro, Octavio; Nonadditive effects on the stability of Be. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2012112 17 (2952 – 2956) 10.1002/qua.24140
91. Ramírez‐Solís, A; The electronic spectrum of AgBr2: Ab initio benchmark calculations on the 2Πu and 2Σu+ charge transfer states including spin‐orbit effects. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2012112 21 (3535 – 3542) 10.1002/qua.24183
90. Ramírez-Solís, A;Jolibois, Franck;Maron, Laurent; Born–Oppenheimer DFT molecular dynamics studies of S 2 O 2: Non-harmonic effects on the lowest energy isomers. Chemical Physics Letters2011510 1 (21 – 26) 10.1016/j.cplett.2011.04.091
89. Ramírez-Solís, A;Ho, M;Hernández-Cobos, J;Ortega-Blake, I; Theoretical study of the optimal As (OH) 3–H 2 O complex: Interaction energy and topological analysis of the electronic density. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry2011967 1 (44 – 49) 10.1016/j.comptc.2011.03.039
88. Castro, Ludovic;Dommergue, Aurélien;Renard, Alexandre;Ferrari, Christophe;Ramirez-Solis, Alejandro;Maron, Laurent; Theoretical study of the solvation of HgCl2, HgClOH, Hg (OH) 2 and HgCl3−: a density functional theory cluster approach. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics201113 37 (16772 – 16779) 10.1039/C1CP22154J
87. Amaro-Estrada, J I;Scemama, Anthony;Caffarel, Michel;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; On the stability of Be3: A benchmark complete active space self-consistent field+ averaged quadratic coupled cluster study. The Journal of chemical physics2011135 10 (104311 – 104311) 10.1063/1.3635403
86. Hernández-Cobos, J;Vargas, M Cristina;Ramírez-Solís, A;Ortega-Blake, I; Aqueous solvation of As (OH) 3: a Monte Carlo study with flexible polarizable classical interaction potentials. The Journal of chemical physics2010133 11 (114501 – 114501) 10.1063/1.3483619
85. Ramírez-Solís, A;Jolibois, Franck;Maron, Laurent; Ab initio molecular dynamics studies of tetrasulfur. Dynamics coupling the C 2 v open and D 2 h closed forms of S4. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2010114 47 (12378 – 12383)
84. Caffarel, Michel;Scemama, Anthony;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; The lithium–thiophene interaction: a critical study using highly correlated electronic structure approaches of quantum chemistry. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts2010126 3-4 (275 – 287) 10.1007/s00214-009-0713-y
83. Zicovich-Wilson, Claudio M;San Román, María Luisa;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Mechanism of F− elimination from zeolitic D4R units: A periodic B3LYP study on the octadecasil zeolite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C2010114 7 (2989 – 2995) 10.1021/jp9088244
82. Ramírez-Solís, A;Jolibois, F;Maron, L; Ab initio molecular dynamics studies on the ground singlet potential energy surface of the tetraoxygen molecule, O 4. Chemical Physics Letters2010485 1 (16 – 20) 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.11.065
81. Caffarel, Michel;Malrieu, Jean-Paul;Poteau, Romuald;Ramirez-Solis, Alejandro; Jean-Pierre Daudey, a scientific itinerary. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling2010126 3-4 (99 – 108) 10.1007/s00214-009-0718-6
80. Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Kirtman, B;Civalleri, B;Ramirez-Solis, A; Periodic density functional theory calculations for 3-dimensional polyacetylene with empirical dispersion terms. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics201012 13 (3289 – 3293) 10.1039/B918539A
79. Santoyo-Castillo, I;Ramírez-Solís, A; The electronic spectrum of AgBr 2: Ab initio benchmark vs. DFT calculations on the lowest ligand-field states including spin–orbit effects. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy2010263 2 (166 – 173) 10.1016/j.jms.2010.08.003
78. Scemama, Anthony;Caffarel, Michel;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Bond breaking and bond making in tetraoxygen: Analysis of the O2 (X3Σg−)+ O2 (X3Σg−)⇆ O4 reaction using the electron pair localization function. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2009113 31 (9014 – 9021) 10.1021/jp902028g
77. Jolibois, F;Maron, L;Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio molecular dynamics studies on the lowest triplet and singlet potential surfaces of the azide cation: Anharmonic effects on the vibrational spectra of linear and cyclic N 3+. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM2009899 1 (9 – 17) 10.1016/j.theochem.2008.11.038
76. Ramírez-Solís, A;Kirtman, B;Bernal-Jáquez, R;Zicovich-Wilson, C M; Periodic density functional theory studies of Li-doped polythiophene: Dependence of electronic and structural properties on dopant concentration. The Journal of chemical physics2009130 16 (164904 – 164904) 10.1063/1.3109079
75. Amaro-Estrada, J I;Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio study of the spectroscopy of AgBr: A CASSCF+ Averaged Coupled Pair Functional approach to the lowest excited states including spin-orbit couplings. The Journal of chemical physics2009131 12 (124308 – 124308) 10.1063/1.3239470
74. Kirtman, Bernard;Bonness, Sean;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Champagne, Benoit;Matsumoto, Hironori;Sekino, Hideo; Calculation of electric dipole (hyper) polarizabilities by long-range-correction scheme in density functional theory: A systematic assessment for polydiacetylene and polybutatriene oligomers. The Journal of chemical physics2008128 11 (114108 – 114108) 10.1063/1.2885051
73. Ludena, Eduardo V;Illas, Francesc;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; On the N-representability and universality of F [ρ] in the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham version of density functional theory. International Journal of Modern Physics B200822 25n26 (4642 – 4654) 10.1142/S0217979208050395
72. Caffarel, Michel;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Fixed-Node Quantum Monte Carlo for Chemistry. Recent Progress in Many-body Theories: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 16-20 July 2007. World Scientific. 200811 (353 – 353) 10.1142/9789812779885_0046
71. Ramírez-Solís, A;Kirtman, B;Bernal-Jáquez, R;Zicovich-Wilson, C M; Periodic density functional theory calculations for Na-doped Quasi-one-dimensional polyacetylene chains. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C2008112 25 (9493 – 9500) 10.1021/jp077426l
70. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Caffarel, Michel; The application of quantum Monte Carlo to the spectroscopy of metallic molecules. Transworld Research Kerala, India. 2007, (1 – 18) HAL Id : hal-00967922
69. Jolibois, F;Maron, L;Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio molecular dynamics evidence of a new stable symmetric C s structure for N (OH) 3. Chemical physics letters2007435 1 (34 – 38) 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.12.085
68. Herrera-Perez, G;Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Ramírez-Solís, A; Periodic DFT studies of AlPO-11: The role of hydration on structural properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C2007111 27 (9664 – 9670) 10.1021/jp072004x
67. Maron, L;Ramírez-Solís, A; A new non-symmetric N (OH) 3 species: Comparison with the C 3 species and thermochemistry at the HF, DFT, MP2, MP4 and CCSD (T) levels of theory. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM2007802 1 (111 – 115) 10.1016/j.theochem.2006.09.021
66. Maron, L;Ramírez-Solís, A; New nonsymmetric P (OH) 3 species. Comparison with the C 3 isomer and themochemistry at the DFT, MP2, and CCSD (T) levels of theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2007111 16 (3173 – 3177) 10.1021/jp070020o
65. Caffarel, Michel;Hernández-Lamoneda, Ramón;Scemama, Anthony;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Multireference quantum Monte Carlo study of the O 4 molecule. Physical review letters200799 15 (153001 – 153001) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.153001
64. Ramírez-Solís, A; On the performance of local, semilocal, and nonlocal exchange-correlation functionals on transition metal molecules. The Journal of chemical physics2007126 22 (224105 – 224105) 10.1063/1.2739539
63. Ramírez-Solís, A;Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Kirtman, B; Periodic hartree-fock and density functional theory calculations for Li-doped polyacetylene chains. The Journal of chemical physics2006124 24 (244703 – 244703) 10.1063/1.2208363
62. Ramírez-Solís, A;Poteau, R;Daudey, J P; The electronic spectrum of AgCl 2: Ab initio benchmark versus density-functional theory calculations on the lowest ligand-field states including spin-orbit effects. The Journal of chemical physics2006124 3 (34307 – 34307) 10.1063/1.2145879
61. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Hernández-Cobos, Jorge;Vargas, Cristina; A New Nonsymmetric As (OH) 3 Species. Comparison with the Known C 3 Species and Themochemistry at the HF, DFT (B3LYP), MP2, MP4, and CCSD (T) Levels of Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2006110 24 (7637 – 7641) 10.1021/jp0601365
60. Ramírez-Solís, A; The spectroscopy of copper and silver monohalides: what modern quantum chemistry can and cannot do. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling (Theoretica Chimica Acta)2006116 4 (641 – 654) 10.1007/s00214-006-0110-8
59. Caffarel, Michel;Assaraf, R;Khelif, A;Scemama, A;Ramirez-Solis, A; A few aspects of QMC for molecules. Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Quantum Chemistry Problems, Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach2006, (7 – 7)
58. Esteves, P M;Araújo, C L;Horta, B A C;Alvarez, L J;Zicovich-Wilson, C M;Ramírez-Solís, A; The isobutylene− isobutane alkylation process in liquid HF revisited. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2005109 26 (12946 – 12955) 10.1021/jp051567a
57. Caffarel, Michel;Daudey, Jean-Pierre;Heully, Jean-Louis;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Towards accurate all-electron quantum Monte Carlo calculations of transition-metal systems: Spectroscopy of the copper atom. The Journal of chemical physics2005123 9 (94102 – 94102) 10.1063/1.2011393
56. Raynaud, Christophe;Maron, Laurent;Jolibois, Franck;Daudey, Jean-Pierre;Esteves, Pierre M;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Ab initio molecular dynamics: Plane waves vs. local basis: The role of energy cutoff on the convergence of molecular properties. Chemical physics letters2005414 1 (161 – 165) 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.08.034
55. Esteves, Pierre M;Araújo, C. L.;Horta, Bruno A C;Alvarez, Luis J;Zicovich-Wilson, Claudio M;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; The Isobutylene−Isobutane alkylation process in liquid HF revisited. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA. 2005109 26 (12946 – 12955) 10.1021/jp051567a
54. Mota, Claudio J A;Bhering, Daniel L;Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro; Activation of alkanes on zeolites: A DFT study of hydride abstraction and dehydrogenation on extra‐framework aluminum species. International journal of quantum chemistry2005105 2 (174 – 185) 10.1002/qua.20668
53. Ramírez-Solís, A;Poteau, R;Vela, A;Daudey, J P; Comparative studies of the spectroscopy of Cu Cl 2: DFT versus standard ab initio approaches. The Journal of chemical physics2005122 16 (164306 – 164306) 10.1063/1.1883167
52. Ramírez-Solís, A;Daudey, J P; Ab initio study on the spectroscopy of CuCl2. I. Benchmark calculations on the X2Pig-2Sigmag+ transition.. The Journal of chemical physics2004120 7 (3221 – 3228) 10.1063/1.1640992
51. Hernández-Lamoneda, Ramón;Ramı́rez-Solı́s, Alejandro; Systematic ab initio calculations on the energetics and stability of covalent O 4. The Journal of chemical physics2004120 21 (10084 – 10088) 10.1063/1.1729923
50. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mukopadhyay, Rita;Rosen, Barry P;Stemmler, Timothy L; Experimental and theoretical characterization of arsenite in water: Insights into the coordination environment of As− O. Inorganic chemistry200443 9 (2954 – 2959) 10.1021/ic0351592
49. Corrêa, Rodrigo J;Sousa-Aguiar, E Falabella;Ramírez-Solís, A;Zicovich-Wilson, Claudio;Mota, Claudio J A; DFT cluster calculations for alkali cation-exchanged zeolites interacting with ethylchloride and HCl. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2004108 30 (10658 – 10662) 10.1021/jp037353f
48. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Daudey, Jean-Pierre; Ab initio study on the spectroscopy of CuCl2. II. Benchmark calculations on the X2Π g-C2∆ g and X2Π g-D2∆ g transitions.. Journal of Chemical Physics, American Institute of Physics2004122 (014315 – 014315)
47. Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio study including spin–orbit effects on the B–X transition of AgI. The Journal of chemical physics2004120 5 (2319 – 2324) 10.1063/1.1637582
46. Fernández-Zertuche, Mario;López-Cortina, Susana;Meza-Aviña, Ma Elena;Ordóñez, Mario;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Generation of alkoxyalkynylketenes from a bicyclic precursor. Cycloaddition chemistry with alkynes and theoretical studies regarding the formation of five- versus six-membered ring products. Arkivoc20032003 11 (89 – 89) 10.3998/ark.5550190.0004.b10
45. Bhering, Daniel L;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; A density functional theory based approach to extraframework aluminum species in zeolites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2003107 18 (4342 – 4347) 10.1021/jp022331z
44. Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio study of the spectroscopy of AgI: A complete active space self-consistent field+ averaged coupled pair functional approach to the lowest excited states. The Journal of chemical physics2003118 1 (104 – 112) 10.1063/1.1524156
43. Ramírez-Solís, A; On the spectroscopy of AgCl: A complete active space self-consistent field+ averaged coupled pair functional study. The Journal of chemical physics2002117 3 (1047 – 1054) 10.1063/1.1484386
42. Esteves, Pierre M;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; The nature of superacid electrophilic species in HF/SbF5: A density functional theory study. Journal of the American Chemical Society2002124 11 (2672 – 2677) 10.1021/ja011151k
41. Luna-Garcıa, H;Ramírez-Solís, A;Castillo, S; Ab initio studies of the reactions of Cu (2 S, 2 D, and 2 P) with SiH 4 and GeH 4. The Journal of chemical physics2002116 3 (928 – 935) 10.1063/1.1427713
40. Ramírez-Solís, A;Vallet, V;Teichteil, Ch;Leininger, T;Daudey, J P; Accurate ab initio study on the spectroscopy of Ag and Ag+ including spin-orbit couplings aimed at molecular calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics2001115 7 (3201 – 3207) 10.1063/1.1386700
39. Colmenares, F;Ramı́rez-Solı́s, A;Novaro, O; Theoretical study of the CuRu+ H 2 molecular interaction. Chemical physics letters2001345 1 (111 – 117) 10.1016/S0009-2614(01)00829-6
38. Esteves, Pierre M;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; DFT calculations on the protonation of alkanes on HF/SbF5 superacids using cluster models. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2001105 19 (4331 – 4336) 10.1021/jp004310f
37. Poteau, Romuald;Ortega, Ivan;Alary, Fabienne;Solis, Alejandro Ramirez;Barthelat, Jean-Claude;Daudey, Jean-Pierre; Effective group potentials. 1. Method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2001105 1 (198 – 205) 10.1021/jp002500k
36. Esteves, Pierre M;Alberto, Gabriel G P;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; Ab initio study of the adamantonium cations: the protonated adamantane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2001105 17 (4308 – 4311) 10.1021/jp003431c
35. Esteves, Pierre M;Alberto, Gabriel G P;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; The n-butonium cation (n-C4H11+): The potential energy surface of protonated n-butane. Journal of Physical Chemistry A2000104 26 (6233 – 6240) 10.1021/jp001152j
34. Hernández-Lamoneda, R;Ramírez-Solís, A; Spin–orbit coupling in highly vibrationally excited O 2 (v) and O 2 (v= 0)–O 2 (v). Chemical Physics Letters2000321 3 (191 – 196) 10.1016/S0009-2614(00)00349-3
33. Esteves, Pierre M;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; A theoretical study of alkane protonation in HF/SbF5 superacid system. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society200011 4 (345 – 348) 10.1590/S0103-50532000000400003
32. Ramírez-Solís, A;Daudey, J P; The spectroscopy of AgF: CASSCF+ CASPT2 calculations on the lowest 3 Σ+, 1 Σ+, 3 Π, 1 Π, 3 Δ, and 1 Δ excited states. The Journal of Chemical Physics2000113 19 (8580 – 8588) 10.1063/1.1318743
31. Fernández-Zertuche, Mario;Hernández-Lamoneda, Ramón;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Cyclic allenes or diradicals in the cyclization reactions of dienynes generated by photolysis of alkynylcyclohexadienones. The Journal of organic chemistry200065 17 (5207 – 5211) 10.1021/jo000333e
30. Hernández-Lamoneda, R;Ramírez-Solís, A; Reactivity and electronic states of O 4 along minimum energy paths. The Journal of Chemical Physics2000113 10 (4139 – 4145) 10.1063/1.1288370
29. Luna-Garcıa, H;Castillo, S;Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio studies of the reactions of M (1 S, 3 P, and 1 P) with SiH 4 (M= Cd, Hg). The Journal of chemical physics1999110 23 (11315 – 11322) 10.1063/1.479072
28. Esteves, Pierre M;Alberto, Gabriel G P;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Mota, Claudio J A; The alkane σ-bond basicity scale revisited. Journal of the American Chemical Society1999121 32 (7345 – 7348) 10.1021/ja9906812
27. Periole, X;Allouche, D;Ramírez-Solís, A;Ortega-Blake, I;Daudey, J P;Sanejouand, Y H; New effective potentials extraction method for the interaction between cations and water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B1998102 43 (8579 – 8587) 10.1021/jp981688t
26. Esteves, Pierre M;Mota, Claudio J A;Ramírez-Solís, A;Hernández-Lamoneda, R; Mechanism of superacid catalyzed alkane activation: theoretical ab initio studies of pentacoordinated carbonium ion rearrangement. Topics in Catalysis19986 1-4 (163 – 163) 10.1023/A:1019166423058
25. Esteves, Pierre M;Mota, Claudio J A;Ramírez-Solís, A;Hernández-Lamoneda, R; Potential energy surface of the C3H9+ cations. Protonated propane. Journal of the American Chemical Society1998120 13 (3213 – 3219) 10.1021/ja973784y
24. Luna-Garcıa, H;Castillo, S;Ramírez-Solís, A; Ab initio study of the reactions of Zn (1 S, 3 P, and 1 P) with SiH 4. The Journal of chemical physics1997107 17 (6627 – 6633) 10.1063/1.474905
23. Alvarez, Luis Javier;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Giral, Pedro Bosch; Mechanisms of formation of extraframework Al2O3 in zeolites. Zeolites199718 1 (54 – 62) 10.1016/S0144-2449(96)00105-4
22. Mota, Claudio J A;Esteves, Pierre M;Ramírez-Solís, A;Hernández-Lamoneda, R; Protonated isobutane. A theoretical ab initio study of the isobutonium cations. Journal of the American Chemical Society1997119 22 (5193 – 5199) 10.1021/ja963767t
21. Ramírez-Solís, A;Hernandez-Lamoneda, RAMÓN; Localized orbitals for molecular calculations. Revista Mexicana de Fisica199642 (911 – 923)
20. Saint-Martin, Humberto;Ruiz-Vicent, Luis E;Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro;Ortega-Blake, Iván; Toward an Understanding of the Hydrolysis of Mg− PPi. An ab Initio Study of the Isomerization Reactions of Neutral and Anionic Mg− Pyrophosphate Complexes. J. Am. Chem. Soc1996118 48 (12167 – 12173) 10.1021/ja960930b
19. Castillo, S;Cruz, A;Cuan, A;Ramírez‐Solís, A;Poulain, E;Del Angel, G; Theoretical study of the rhodium dimer interaction with the hydrogen molecule. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry199556 S29 (549 – 557) 10.1002/qua.560560858
18. Aguilar-Rios, G;Valenzuela, M;Salas, P;Armendariz, H;Bosch, P;Del Toro, G;Silva, R;Bertin, V;Castillo, S;Ramírez-Solís, A; Hydrogen interactions and catalytic properties of platinum-tin supported on zinc aluminate. Applied Catalysis A: General1995127 1 (65 – 75) 10.1016/0926-860X(95)00269-3
17. Ramírez‐Solís, A;Schamps, J; Ab initio study of the three lowest‐lying (X 1Σ+, 3Σ+, and 1Σ+) electronic states of AgF. The Journal of chemical physics1995102 11 (4482 – 4490) 10.1063/1.469496
16. Lopez, T;Gomez, R;Ramírez-Solís, A;Poulain, E;Novaro, O; Li/MgO sol-gel catalysts. Journal of molecular catalysis199488 1 (71 – 84) 10.1016/0304-5102(93)E0254-E
15. Castillo, S;Ramírez-Solís, A;Diaz, D;Poulain, E;Novaro, O; Theoretical study of the activation of methane by photoexcited zinc atoms. Molecular Physics199481 4 (825 – 836) 10.1080/00268979400100551
14. Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro;Castillo A, Sidonio; Accurate spectroscopic constants for the Cd (1 S, 3 P, 1 P)–H2 van der Waals complexes: A theoretical study. The Journal of chemical physics1994100 11 (8251 – 8256) 10.1063/1.466768
13. Castillo, S;Ramírez‐solís, A;Poulain, E; Theoretical study of the reaction of Cd (1S, 3P, 1P) with the methane molecule. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry199348 S27 (587 – 598) 10.1002/qua.560480853
12. Ramírez‐Solís, Alejandro;Castillo A, Sidonio; C 3 v versus C 2 v Cd (1 S, 3 P, 1 P)–CH4 van der Waals complexes: A variational and perturbational multireference configuration interaction study. The Journal of chemical physics199398 10 (8065 – 8069) 10.1063/1.464562
11. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Evolution of the Σ+ 1 radiative lifetime of copper halides. Physical Review A199347 2 (1510 – 1510) 10.1103/PhysRevA.47.1510
10. Delaval, J M;Schamps, J;Ramírez‐Solís, A;Daudey, J P; Radiative lifetimes of the excited electronic states of CuCl. The Journal of chemical physics199297 9 (6588 – 6592) 10.1063/1.463662
9. Martínez‐Magadán, J M;Ramírez‐Solís, A;Novaro, O; Theoretical study of the interaction of Ga. Ga+, and Ga2+ with the hydrogen molecule. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry199244 S26 (781 – 791) 10.1002/qua.560440869
8. Ramírez-Solís, A;Schamps, J;Delaval, J. M.; MCSCF+ MRCI calculation of diagonal and transition dipole moments in CuCl. Chemical physics letters1992188 5-6 (599 – 603) 10.1016/0009-2614(92)80873-A
7. Ramírez-Solís, Alejandro; Localized orbitals for molecular calculations.. Revista Mexicana de Física199238 (179 – 204)
6. Martinez-Magadan, J M;Ramírez-Solís, A;Novaro, O; MCSCF+ MRCI study of the interaction of Zn, Zn+ and Zn2+ with the hydrogen molecule. Chemical physics letters1991186 1 (107 – 112) 10.1016/0009-2614(91)80199-8
5. Ramirez-Solis, A;Daudey, J P; Theoretical calculation of transition energies of low-lying electronic states of the CuCl molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics199023 14 (2277 – 2277)
4. Ramírez-Solís, A;Daudey, J P;Novaro, O;Ruiz, M E; Nonadditivity and the stability of Ag3. A multireference configuration interaction study. Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters199015 1 (71 – 78) 10.1007/BF01436913
3. Ramírez Solís, A;Daudey, J P;Teichteil, C; Multiconfigurational self‐consistent field–multireference configuration interaction study of the spectroscopy of CuI including spin–orbit couplings. The Journal of chemical physics199093 10 (7277 – 7283) 10.1063/1.459399
2. Ramírez-Solís, A;Daudey, J P; Theoretical study of the spectroscopy of low-lying electronic states of the CuF molecule. Chemical Physics1989134 1 (111 – 118) 10.1016/0301-0104(89)80242-3
1. Ramírez-Solís, A;Novaro, O;Ruiz, M E; Stability of Cu 3: A variational and perturbational configuration-interaction study. Physical Review B198735 8 (4082 – 4082) 10.1103/PhysRevB.35.4082

Libros, capítulos de libros y publicaciones no arbitradas

3. Amaro-Estrada, J I;Ramírez-Solís, A; Theoretical studies of the solvation of abundant toxic mercury species in aqueous media. Quantum Modeling of Complex Molecular Systems. Springer International Publishing. 2015, (275 – 301) 10.1007/978-3-319-21626-3_10
2. Lopes Bhering, D.;Mota, C.J.A.;Ramirez-Solís, A.; 15-P-21 – Ab-initio investigation of non-framework aluminum species in zeolites. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis2001135 (261 – 261) 10.1016/S0167-2991(01)81560-3
1. Gomez, R.;Lopez, T.;Herrera, L;Castro, A.A.;Scelza, O;Baronetti, G;Lazzari, E;Cuan, A;Campos, M;Poulain, E;Ramirez-Solis, A.;Novaro, O.; Oxidative coupling of methane over sol-gel magnesium oxide catalysts: Effect on selectivity to olefin formation. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis199375 (2213 – 2216) 10.1016/S0167-2991(08)64263-9