Acerca de

Jorge Hermosillo Valadez


Profesor Titular B




Computación y Robótica

Líneas de investigación

  • Robótica e Interacción Hombre-Máquina. Modelado Semántico del lenguaje natural.
  • Modelado semántico del lenguaje natural.
  • Reconocimiento de patrones aplicados a la salud


Doctorado en Imagen, Visión y Robótica.  Instituto Politécnico Nacional de Grenoble, Francia.




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Publicaciones arbitradas

Asela Reig Alamillo, David Torres Moreno, Eliseo Morales González, Mauricio Toledo Acosta, Antoine Taroni, Jorge Hermosillo Valadez. “The Analysis of Synonymy and Antonymy in Discourse Relations: An Interpretable Modeling Approach”. In:Computational Linguistics 49.2 (June 2023), pp. 429–464. issn: 0891-2017. doi: 10.1162/coli_a_00477. eprint:\_a\_00477.pdf. url:
Bruno Lara, Wilmer Gaona, Esaú Escobar, José Manuel Pardo, and Jorge Hermosillo-Valadez. “Development of body-based spatial knowledge through mental imagery in an artificial agent”. Adaptive Behavior. 2020. doi: 10.1177/1059712319895604
31. Sedano-Capdevila, Alba;Toledo-Acosta, Mauricio;Barrigon, María Luisa;Morales-González, Eliseo;Torres-Moreno, David;Martínez-Zaldivar, Bolívar;Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge;Baca-García, Enrique;Aroca, Fuensanta;Artes-Rodriguez, Antonio;Baca-García, Enrique;Berrouiguet, Sofian;Billot, Romain;Carballo-Belloso, Juan Jose;Courtet, Philippe;Gomez, David Delgado;Lopez-Castroman, Jorge;Rodriguez, Mercedes Perez;Aznar-Carbone, Julia;Cegla, Fanny;Gutiérrez-Recacha, Pedro;Izaguirre-Gamir, Leire;Herrera-Sanchez, Javier;Borja, Marta Migoya;Palomar-Ciria, Nora;Martínez, Adela Sánchez-Escribano;Vasquez, Manuel;Vallejo-Oñate, Silvia;Vera-Varela, Constanza;Amodeo-Escribano, Susana;Arrua, Elsa;Bautista, Olga;Barrigón, Maria Luisa;Carmona, Rodrigo;Caro-Cañizares, Irene;Carollo-Vivian, Sonia;Chamorro, Jaime;González-Granado, Marta;Iza, Miren;Jiménez-Giménez, Mónica;López-Gómez, Ana;Mata-Iturralde, Laura;Miguelez, Carolina;Muñoz-Lorenzo, Laura;Navarro-Jiménez, Rocío;Ovejero, Santiago;Palacios, María Luz;Pérez-Fominaya, Margarita;Peñuelas-Calvo, Inmaculada;Pérez-Colmenero, Sonia;Rico-Romano, Ana;Rodriguez-Jover, Alba;SánchezAlonso, Sergio;Sevilla-Vicente, Juncal;Vigil-López, Carolina;Villoria-Borrego, Lucía;Martin-Calvo, Marisa;Alcón-Durán, Ana;Stasio, Ezequiel Di;García-Vega, Juan Manuel;Martín-Calvo, Pedro;Ortega, Ana José;Segura-Valverde, Marta;Bañón-González, Sara María;Crespo-Llanos, Edurne;Codesal-Julián, Rosana;Frade-Ciudad, Ainara;Merino, Elena Hernando;Álvarez-García, Raquel;Coll-Font, Jose Marcos;Portillo-de Antonio, Pablo;Puras-Rico, Pablo;Sedano-Capdevila, Alba;Serrano-Marugán, Leticia; Text mining methods for the characterisation of suicidal thoughts and behaviour. Psychiatry Research2023322 (115090 – 115090) 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115090
30. Roman-Rangel, Edgar;Fuentes-Pacheco, Jorge;Hermosillo Valadez, Jorge; UAEM-ITAM at SemEval-2022 Task 5: Vision-Language Approach to Recognize Misogynous Content in Memes. Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022). Association for Computational Linguistics. 2022, (605 – 609) 10.18653/v1/2022.semeval-1.83
29. Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge;Morales-González, Eliseo;Fernández-Reyes, Francis C.;Montes-y-Gómez, Manuel;Fuentes-Pacheco, Jorge;Rendón-Mancha, Juan M.; Exploiting hierarchical dependence structures for unsupervised rank fusion in information retrieval. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems202210.1007/s10844-022-00751-3
28. Lara, Bruno;Gaona, Wilmer;Escobar, Esaú;Pardo, José Manuel;Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge; Development of body-based spatial knowledge through mental imagery in an artificial agent. Adaptive Behavior202129 4 (349 – 368) 10.1177/1059712319895604
27. Toledo-Acosta, Mauricio;Barreiro, Talin;Reig-Alamillo, Asela;Müller, Markus;Aroca Bisquert, Fuensanta;Barrigon, Maria Luisa;Baca-Garcia, Enrique;Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge; Cognitive Emotional Embedded Representations of Text to Predict Suicidal Ideation and Psychiatric Symptoms. Mathematics20208 11 (2088 – 2088) 10.3390/math8112088
26. Mauricio Toledo-Acosta;Talin Barreiro;Asela Reig-Alamillo;Enrique Baca-Garcia;Jorge Hermosillo-Valadez; Cognitive representation of words in a corpus of short text messages. Research in Computing Science2020149 10
25. J. Fuentes-Pacheco, J. Torres-Olivares, E. Roman-Rangel, S. Cervantes, P. Juarez-Lopez, J. Hermosillo-Valadez andJ.M. Rendón-Mancha; Fig Plant Segmentation from Aerial Images Using a Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network. Remote Sens201911 10 (1157 – 1157) 10.3390/rs11101157
24. Fernández-Reyes, F.C., Hermosillo-Valadez, J., Montes-y-Gómez M.; A prospect-guided global query expansion strategy using word embeddings. Information Processing and Management201754 1 (1 – 13) 10.1016/j.ipm.2017.09.001
23. Escobar-Juárez, Esau;Schillaci, Guido;Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge;Lara-Guzmán, Bruno; A self-organized internal models architecture for coding sensory–motor schemes. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Frontiers. 20163 (22 – 22) 10.3389/frobt.2016.00022
22. Gaona-Romero, W;Escobar-Juárez, Esaú;Hermosillo-Valadez, Jorge;Lara-Guzmán, Bruno; Adquisición de conceptos espaciales en un agente autónomo artificial a través de simulaciones internas. Nova scientia. Universidad de La Salle Bajío AC, Coordinación de Investigación. 20157 14 (127 – 161) 10.21640/ns.v7i14.109
21. Gaona, Wilmer;Escobar, Esaú;Hermosillo, Jorge;Lara, Bruno; Anticipation by multi-modal association through an artificial mental imagery process. Connection Science. Taylor & Francis. 201427 1 (68 – 88) 10.1080/09540091.2014.956289
20. Díaz-González, L;Hidalgo-Dávila, C A;E., Santoyo;Hermosillo-Valadez, J; Evaluación de técnicas de entrenamiento de redes neuronales para estudios geotermométricos de sistemas geotérmicos. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química. Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Ingeniería Química A.C. 201312 1 (105 – 120)
19. Castillo Arceo, David;Escobar, Esaú;Hermosillo, Jorge;Lara, Bruno; Modelado de un sistema de neuronas espejo en un agente autónomo artificial. Nova scientia. Universidad de La Salle Bajío AC, Coordinación de Investigación. 20135 10 (51 – 72) 10.21640/ns.v5i10.146
18. Gaona, Wilmer;Hermosillo, Jorge;Lara, Bruno; Distance perception in mobile robots as an emergent consequence of visuo-motor cycles using forward models. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA), 2012 IEEE Ninth. IEEE. 2012, (42 – 47) 10.1109/CERMA.2012.15
17. Rodríguez, Dairon;Hermosillo, Jorge;Lara, Bruno; Meaning in artificial agents: The symbol grounding problem revisited. Minds and Machines. Springer. 2012, (1 – 10) 10.1007/s11023-011-9263-x
16. Escobar, Esaú;Hermosillo, Jorge;Lara, Bruno; Self body mapping in mobile robots using vision and forward models. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA), 2012 IEEE Ninth. IEEE. 2012, (72 – 77) 10.1109/CERMA.2012.20
15. Lara, Bruno;Hermosillo, Jorge; Inteligencia y robótica corporizada. Las Ciencias Cognitivas: Una Constelación en Expansión20121 (55 – 74)
14. Lara, Bruno;Hermosillo, Jorge; Cognitive hybrid control of an autonomous agent. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, 2008. CERMA’08. IEEE. 2008, (526 – 531) 10.1109/CERMA.2008.20
13. Ibargüengoytia, Pablo H;Reyes, Alberto;Huerta, Mario;Hermosillo, Jorge; Probabilistic virtual sensor for on-line viscosity estimation. Artificial Intelligence, 2008. MICAI’08. Seventh Mexican International Conference on. IEEE. 2008, (377 – 382) 10.1109/MICAI.2008.53
12. Pradalier, Cédric;Hermosillo, Jorge;Koike, Carla;Braillon, Christophe;Bessière, Pierre;Laugier, Christian; The cycab: a car-like robot navigating autonomously and safely among pedestrians. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. North-Holland. 200550 1 (51 – 67) 10.1109/ROBOT.2003.1241957
11. Pradalier, Cédric;Hermosillo, Jorge;Koike, Carla;Braillon, Christophe;Bessiere, Pierre;Laugier, Christian; An autonomous car-like robot navigating safely among pedestrians. Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA’04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE. 20042 (1945 – 1950) 10.1109/ROBOT.2004.1308108
10. Hermosillo, Jorge;Pradalier, Cédric;Sekhavat, Sepanta;Laugier, Christian;Baille, Gérard; Towards motion autonomy of a bi-steerable car: Experimental issues from map-building to trajectory execution. Robotics and Automation, 2003. Proceedings. ICRA’03. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE. 20032 (2430 – 2435) 10.1109/ROBOT.2003.1241957
9. Hermosillo, Jorge;Sekhavat, Sepanta; Feedback control of a bi-steerable car using flatness application to trajectory tracking. American Control Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the 2003. IEEE. 20034 (3567 – 3572) 10.1109/ACC.2003.1244101
8. Hermosillo, Jorge;Pradalier, Cedric;Sekhavat, Sepanta; Modeling odometry and uncertainty propagation for a bi-steerable car. Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2002. IEEE. IEEE. 20022 (401 – 406) 10.1109/IVS.2002.1187984
7. Sekhavat, Sepanta;Hermosillo, Jorge; Cycab bi-steerable cars: a new family of differentially flat systems. Advanced Robotics. Taylor & Francis Group. 200216 5 (445 – 462) 10.1163/15685530260182936
6. Sekhavat, Sepanta;Hermosillo, Jorge;Rouchon, Pierre; Motion planning for a bi-steerable car. ICRA2001, (3294 – 3299)
5. Sekhavat, S;Rouchon, P;Hermosillo, J; Computing the flat outputs of Engel differential systems: The case study of the bi-steerable car. American Control Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. IEEE. 20015 (3576 – 3581) 10.1109/ACC.2001.946189
4. Laugier, Ch;Sekhavat, S;Large, L;Hermosillo, J;Shiller, Z; Some steps towards autonomous cars. Proc. of the IFAC Symp. on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles2001, (10 – 18) 10.1109/CERMA.2012.20
3. Large, F;Hermosillo, J;Sekhavat, S;Laugier, C; Using artificial neural networks to improve sensor-based maneuvers for a car-like vehicle. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems July 25-272000, (1033 – 1040)
2. Large, Frederic;Hermosillo, J;Sekhavat, S;Laugier, C; Using artificial neural networks to improve sensor-based maneuvers for a car-like vehicle. Intelligent Autonomous Systems 62000, (1033 – 1040)
1. Sekhavat, Sepanta;Hermosillo, Jorge; The Cycab robot: a differentially flat system. Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2000.(IROS 2000). Proceedings. 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE. 20001 (312 – 317) 10.1016/j.robot.2004.10.002

Libros, capítulos de libros y publicaciones no arbitradas


Bruno Lara, Alejandra Ciria, Esau Escobar, Wilmer Gaona and Jorge Hermosillo. “Cognitive Robotics: The New Challenges in Artificial Intelligence”, en Advanced Topics on Computer Vision, Control and Robotics in Mechatronics. Osslan Osiris, Vergara Villegas, Manuel Nandayapa e Israel Soto Editors. Springer, 2019, pp. 321 – 347.


2. Jorge Alberto Fuentes Pacheco, Jorge Hermosillo Valadez, Bruno Lara Guzmán, Juan Manuel Rendón Mancha; Sistemas de propulsión, energía, control y telecomunicación. Capítulo en libro : Uso y manejo de drones con aplicaciones al sector hídrico. Uso y manejo de drones con aplicaciones al sector hídrico2016, 9786079368715.
1. Fernández-Reyes, Francis C;Hermosillo Valadez, Jorge;Garcés Suárez, Yasel; Term dependence statistical measures for information retrieval tasks. Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing – Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. 20159413 (83 – 94) 10.1007/978-3-319-27060-9_7
Lara Bruno y Hermosillo Jorge; Inteligencia y robótica corporizada.. Cognición: enfoques contemporáneos.. l Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano. 2012, ISBN 978-607-466-051.