Nodari Vakhania

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Nodari Vakhania


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Computación y Robótica

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Diseño y análisis de los algoritmos computacionales





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Publicaciones arbitradas

73. Lenstra, Jan Karel;Vakhania, Nodari; On the complexity of scheduling unrelated parallel machines with limited preemptions. Operations Research Letters202351 2 (187 – 189) 10.1016/j.orl.2023.02.004
72. Vakhania, Nodari; Simple Methods for Traveling Salesman Problems. Computer Sciences & Mathematics Forum20222 1 10.3390/IOCA2021-10914
71. Pacheco-Valencia, Víctor Hugo;Vakhania, Nodari;Hernández-Mira, Frank Ángel;Hernández-Aguilar, José Alberto; A Multi-Phase Method for Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problems. Axioms202211 9 (439 – 439) 10.3390/axioms11090439
70. Hernández Mira, Frank Ángel;Parra Inza, Ernesto;Sigarreta Almira, José María;Vakhania, Nodari; A polynomial-time approximation to a minimum dominating set in a graph. Theoretical Computer Science2022930 (142 – 156) 10.1016/j.tcs.2022.07.020
69. Reynoso, Alejandro;Vakhania, Nodari; Theoretical and practical issues in single-machine scheduling with two job release and delivery times. Journal of Scheduling202124 6 (615 – 647) 10.1007/s10951-021-00708-4
68. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Branch Less, Cut More and Schedule Jobs with Release and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines. Mathematics20219 6 (633 – 633) 10.3390/math9060633
67. Hernández Mira, Frank A.;Parra Inza, Ernesto;Sigarreta Almira, José M.;Vakhania, Nodari; Properties of the Global Total k-Domination Number. Mathematics20219 5 (480 – 480) 10.3390/math9050480
66. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Branch Less, Cut More and Schedule Jobs with Release and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines. Mathematics20219 6 (633 – 633) 10.3390/math9060633
65. Hernández-Mira, Frank Aangel;Rosas-Acevedo, José Luis;Reyes-Umaña, Maximino;Violante-González, Juan;Sigarreta-Almira, José María;Vakhania, Nodari; Multimetric Index to Evaluate Water Quality in Lagoons: A Biological and Geomorphological Approach. Sustainability202113 4631 10.3390/su13094631
64. Hernández Mira, Frank A.;Parra Inza, Ernesto;Sigarreta Almira, José M.;Vakhania, Nodari; Properties of the Global Total k-Domination Number. Mathematics20219 5 (480 – 480) 10.3390/math9050480
63. Alonso-Pecina, Federico;Hernández, José Alberto;Sigarreta, José Maria;Vakhania, Nodari; Fast Approximation for Scheduling One Machine. Mathematics20208 9 (1524 – 1524) 10.3390/math8091524
62. Vakhania, Nodari;Mamporia, Badri; Fast Algorithms for Basic Supply Chain Scheduling Problems. Mathematics20208 11 (1919 – 1919) 10.3390/math8111919
61. Pacheco-Valencia, Víctor;Hernández, José Alberto;Sigarreta, José María;Vakhania, Nodari; Simple constructive, insertion, and improvement heuristics based on the girding polygon for the euclidean traveling salesman problem. Algorithms201913 1 (5 – 5) 10.3390/a13010005
60. Carballosa, Walter;Rodríguez, José Manuel;Sigarreta, José María;Vakhania, Nodari; f-polynomial on some graph operations. Mathematics20197 11 (1074 – 1074) 10.3390/math7111074
59. Vakhania, Nodari; Dynamic restructuring framework for scheduling with release times and due-dates. Mathematics20197 11 (1104 – 1104) 10.3390/math7111104
58. Vakhania, Nodari; Fast solution of single-machine scheduling problem with embedded jobs. Theoretical Computer Science201910.1016/j.tcs.2019.03.001
57. Vakhania., N.; Scheduling a Single Machine with Primary and Secondary Objectives. Algorithms201811 80 10.3390/a11060080
56. Chinos, E., Vakhania, N.; Adjusting scheduling model with release and due dates in production planning. Cogent Engineering20174 1 (1 – 23) 10.1080/23311916.2017.1321175
55. Vakhania, N; Probabilistic quality estimations for combinatorial optimization problems. Georgian Mathematical Journal.2017, (Articles not published yet, but available online A – Articles not published yet, but available online A) 10.1515/gmj-2017-0041.
54. Vakhania, Nodari; A segment partitioning heuristic for scheduling jobs with release times and due-dates. Proceedings of the International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (FCS). The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp). 2016, (105 – 105)
53. Vakhania, Nodari;Hernandez, Jose Alberto;Alonso-Pecina, Federico;Zavala, Crispin; A simple heuristic for basic vehicle routing problem. Journal of Computer Science20163 2 (39 – 39) 10.15379/2410-2938.2016.03.02.04
52. Vakhania, N;Hernandez, J A;Zavala, C; A single-machine scheduling problem to minimize the maximum lateness is tightly related with a variation of bin packing problem with different bin capacities. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola Journal201530
51. Vakhania, Nodari;Pérez, Dante;Carballo, Lester; Theoretical expectation versus practical performance of Jackson’s heuristic. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 20152015 10.1155/2015/484671
50. Vakhania, Nodari;Chinos, Elisa;Zavala, Crispin; An efficient heuristic for a discrete optimization problem. Journal of Computer Science Technology Updates20152 2 (38 – 45) 10.15379/2410-2938.2015.02.02.05
49. Vakhania, Nodari;Hernandez, Jose Alberto;Werner, Frank; Scheduling unrelated machines with two types of jobs. International Journal of Production Research. Taylor & Francis. 201452 13 (3793 – 3801) 10.1080/00207543.2014.888789
48. Vakhania, Nodari; Worst-case analysis versus average-case analysis for combinatorial optimization problems. 2014
47. Vakhania, Nodari; A study of single-machine scheduling problem to maximize throughput. Journal of Scheduling. Springer. 201316 4 (395 – 403) 10.1007/s10951-012-0307-8
46. Carballo, Lester;Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; A comparative computational study of the effect of the preliminary reduction for the classical and multiprocessor job-shop scheduling problems. Univ., Fak. für Mathematik. 2013
45. Carballo, Lester;Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Reducing efficiently the search tree for multiprocessor job-shop scheduling problems. International Journal of Production Research. Taylor & Francis. 201351 23-24 (7105 – 7119) 10.1080/00207543.2013.837226
44. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Minimizing maximum lateness of jobs with naturally bounded job data on a single machine in polynomial time. Theoretical Computer Science. Elsevier. 2013501 (72 – 81) 10.1016/j.tcs.2013.07.001
43. Carballo, Lester;Lazarev, Alexander A;Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Search on the enumeration tree in the multiprocessor job-shop problem. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Elsevier. 201245 6 (81 – 86) 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00414
42. Vakhania, Nodari; Branch less, cut more and minimize the number of late equal-length jobs on identical machines. Theoretical Computer Science. Elsevier. 2012465 (49 – 60) 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.08.031
41. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Near to optimal size selection in combinatorial circuits. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Elsevier. 201245 6 (63 – 68) 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00060
40. Werner, Frank;Vakhania, Nodari; Polynomial algorithms for scheduling jobs with two processing times on unrelated machines. Information Control Problems in Manufacturing201214 1 (93 – 97) 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00055
39. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Polynomial algorithms for scheduling jobs with two processing times on unrelated machines. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Elsevier. 201245 6 (93 – 97) 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00055
38. Werner, Frank;Vakhania, Nodari; A polynomially solvable case of a single machine scheduling problem when the maximal job processing time is a constant. Information Control Problems in Manufacturing201214 1 (117 – 122) 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00053
37. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; Solving efficiently a special case of scheduling jobs on unrelated machines to minimize the makespan. 2011
36. Shchepin, Evgeny V;Vakhania, Nodari; A note on the proof of the complexity of the little-preemptive open-shop problem. Annals of Operations Research. Springer. 2011191 1 (251 – 253) 10.1007/s10479-011-0975-3
35. Vakhania, Nodari; A polynomial algorithm for minimizing ma imal lateness on one machine. 4th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference (MISTA)2011
34. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; A combinatorial approximation algorithm for selecting the gate sizes from finite sets in VLSI circuits. 2011
33. Vakhania, Nodari; Plenary lecture 6: a method for a class of scheduling problems. Proceedings of the 2010 American conference on Applied mathematics. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). 2010, (23 – 23)
32. Vakhania, Nodari; A polynomial-time algorithm for a special case of minimizing the lateness on a single machine. Proceedings of the 2010 American conference on Applied mathematics. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). 2010, (316 – 321)
31. Vakhania, Nodari; Preemptive scheduling of jobs with tied parameters on a single processor to minimize the number of late jobs. Proceedings of the 2010 American conference on Applied mathematics. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). 2010, (101 – 103)
30. Vakhania, Nodari; Scheduling jobs with release times preemptively on a single machine to minimize the number of late jobs. Operations Research Letters. Elsevier. 200937 6 (405 – 410) 10.1016/j.orl.2009.09.003
29. Vakhania, Nodari; A binary search algorithm for a special case of minimizing the lateness on a single machine. International Journal Of Applied Mathematics And Informatics20093 3
28. Vakhania, Nodari; An efficient implicit enumeration for scheduling equal-length jobs with release times on a single processor to maximize throughput. Proc. Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications MISTA20092009 (366 – 377)
27. Chrobak, Marek;Dürr, Christoph;Jawor, Wojciech;Vakhania, Nodari; Preemptive scheduling of equal-length jobs to maximize weighted throughput. arXiv preprint cs/0209033200810.1016/j.orl.2003.09.004
26. Vakhania, Nodari; Fast algorithms for preemptive scheduling of equal-length jobs on a single and identical processors to minimize the number of late jobs. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation20081 (95 – 100)
25. Shchepin, Evgeny V;Vakhania, Nodari; On the geometry, preemptions and complexity of multiprocessor and shop scheduling. Annals of Operations Research. Springer. 2008159 1Shchepin, E. V, & Vakhania, N. (2008). On the geometry, preemptions and complexity of multiprocessor and shop scheduling. Annals of Operations Research, 159(1), 183–213. (183 – 213) 10.1007/s10479-007-0266-1
24. Vakhania, Nodari; A fast on-line algorithm for the preemptive scheduling of equal-length jobs on a single processor. Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS international conference on computer engineering and applications. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). 2008, (158 – 161)
23. Vakhania, Nodari; Global estimations for multiprocessor job-shop. Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 2007. SCIS’07. IEEE Symposium on. IEEE. 2007, (65 – 71) 10.1109/SCIS.2007.367671
22. Vakhania, Nodari; Fast algorithms for preemptive scheduling of jobs with release times on a single processor to minimize the number of late jobs. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation20071 2
21. Shchepin, Evgeny;Vakhania, Nodari; On machine dependency in shop scheduling. Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on applied mathematics. Citeseer. 2006, (323 – 331)
20. Shchepin, Evgeny;Vakhania, Nodari; An absolute approximation algorithm for scheduling unrelated machines. Naval Research Logistics (NRL). Wiley Online Library. 200653 6 (502 – 507) 10.1002/nav.20157
19. Shchepin, Evgeny;Vakhania, Nodari; New tight NP-hardness of preemptive multiprocessor and open-shop scheduling. Proceedings of 2nd multidisciplinary international conference on scheduling: Theory and applications MISTA 20052005, (606 – 629)
18. Shchepin, Evgeny V;Vakhania, Nodari; An optimal rounding gives a better approximation for scheduling unrelated machines. Operations Research Letters. Elsevier. 200533 2 (127 – 133) 10.1016/j.orl.2004.05.004
17. Baptiste, Philippe;Chrobak, Marek;Dürr, Christoph;Jawor, Wojciech;Vakhania, Nodari; Preemptive scheduling of equal-length jobs to maximize weighted throughput. Operations Research Letters. North-Holland. 200432 3 (258 – 264) 10.1016/j.orl.2003.09.004
16. Vakhania, Nodari; Single-machine scheduling with release times and tails. Annals of Operations Research. Springer. 2004129 1-4 (253 – 271) 10.1023/B:ANOR.0000030692.69147.e2
15. Homan, Christopher M;Alon, Noga;Anand, R Sai;Arora, Sanjeev;Basu, Saugata;Cai, Liming;Cesati, Marco;Cheetham, James;Chen, Jianer;Chien, Steve; Hall, Alexander, 707 Heusch, Peter, 772. Journal of Computer and System Sciences200367 (849 – 849)
14. Vakhania, Nodari; A better algorithm for sequencing with release and delivery times on identical machines. Journal of Algorithms. Academic Press. 200348 2 (273 – 293) 10.1016/S0196-6774(03)00072-5
13. Chrobak, Marek;Epstein, Leah;Noga, John;Sgall, Jiřı́;van Stee, Rob;Tichý, Tomáš;Vakhania, Nodari; Preemptive scheduling in overloaded systems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. Elsevier. 200367 1 (183 – 197) 10.1016/S0022-0000(03)00070-9
12. Epstein, Leah;Tassa, Tamir;Guha, Sudipto;Meyerson, Adam;Munagala, Kamesh;Liao, Chien-Chih;Lu, Hsueh-I;Yen, Hsu-Chun;Frederiksen, Jens S;Larsen, Kim S; Ashish Goel, Monika R. Henzinger, Serge Plotkin, and Eva Tardos. Scheduling data. Journal of Algorithms200348 (271 – 271) 10.1016/S0196-6774(03)00054-3
11. Vakhania, Nodari;Shchepin, Evgeny; Concurrent operations can be parallelized in scheduling multiprocessor job shop. Journal of Scheduling. Wiley Online Library. 20025 3 (227 – 245) 10.1002/jos.101
10. Vakhania, Nodari; Scheduling equal-length jobs with delivery times on identical processors. International journal of computer mathematics. Taylor & Francis. 200279 6 (715 – 728) 10.1080/00207160211288
9. Chrobak, Marek;Epstein, Leah;Noga, John;Sgall, Jiří;van Stee, Rob;Tichý, Tomáš;Vakhania, Nodari; Preemptive scheduling in overloaded systems. International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2002, (800 – 811) 10.1016/S0022-0000(03)00070-9
8. Shchepin, Evgeny;Vakhania, Nodari; Little-preemptive scheduling on unrelated processors. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms. Springer. 20021 1 (43 – 56) 10.1023/A:1015674704111
7. Vakhania, Nodari; Tight performance bounds of CP-scheduling on out-trees. Journal of combinatorial optimization. Springer. 20015 4 (445 – 464) 10.1023/A:1011676725533
6. Akker, Marjan van den;Hoogeveen, Han;Vakhania, Nodari; Restarts can help in the on‐line minimization of the maximum delivery time on a single machine. Journal of Scheduling. Wiley Online Library. 20003 6 (333 – 341) 10.1002/1099-1425(200011/12)3:6<333::AID-JOS53>3.0.CO;2-8
5. Shchepin, Evgeny V;Vakhania, Nodari N; Task distributions on multiprocessor systems. IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2000, (112 – 125) 10.1007/3-540-44929-9_10
4. van den Akker, Marjan;Hoogeveen, Han;Vakhania, Nodari; Restarts can help in the on-line minimization of the maximum delivery time on a single machine. European Symposium on Algorithms. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2000, (427 – 436) 10.1007/3-540-45253-2_39
3. Vakhania, Nodari; A fast algorithm for scheduling equal-length jobs on identical machines. Computación y Sistemas19981 004
2. Vakhania, Nodari; A job allocation algorithm for parallel processors. III Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación1997
1. Vakhania, Nodari; Sequencing jobs with readiness times and tails on parallel machines. Proceedings of the 1997 ACM symposium on Applied computing. ACM. 1997, (438 – 446) 10.1145/331697.332330

Libros, capítulos de libros y publicaciones no arbitradas

6. Optimisation Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence. IntechOpen. 202210.5772/intechopen.94617
5. Vakhania, Nodari;Werner, Frank; A Brief Look at Multi-Criteria Problems: Multi-Threshold Optimization versus Pareto-Optimization. Multicriteria Optimization – Pareto-Optimality and Threshold-Optimality. IntechOpen. 202010.5772/intechopen.91169
4. Multicriteria Optimization – Pareto-Optimality and Threshold-Optimality. IntechOpen. 202010.5772/intechopen.78897
3. Vakhania., N.; Efficient heuristics for scheduling with release and delivery times.. Heuristics and Hyper-Heuristics – Principles and Applications. InTech Publishing Company. 2017, (64 – 82) 10.5772/intechopen.69223
2. Chinos, Elisa;Vakhania, Nodari; Polynomially solvable and NP-hard special cases for scheduling with heads and tails. Recent Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics2011, (141 – 145)
1. Vakhania, Nodari; Global and local search for scheduling job shop with parallel machines. Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2000, (63 – 75) 10.1007/3-540-44399-1_8
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